Wednesday, July 31, 2019
John Gokongwei †Cebu Pacific
John Gokongwei is the founder of Cebu Pacific, a Filipino airline company started in 2005. Cebu Pacific is one of the most recognised airline companies in the Philippines. John Gokongwei is a great rags to riches story of how he started entrepreneurship out of poverty. He also is a active philantrophist and donates millions to various charities around the Philippines. John L. Gokongwei Jr. Who is he? â€Å"Call it trite–but, believe me, success can be achieved, through hard work, frugality, integrity, responsiveness to change–and most of all, boldness to dream.These have never been just easy slogans for me. I have lived by them†Gokongwei Jr. , John L. , Commencement Address (AdMU), 27 March 2004. What made him a leader? The qualities that Gokongwei possesses made him a successful business tycoon. He is a type of person who is a risk-taker; he was never afraid to take the next steps for his empire to grow. He is an optimistic person, failures and mistakes were ne ver a barrier for him, he always try to have a healthy attitude towards failure, it’s a part of being an entrepreneur which is clearly stated in his quote: Achievements Mr. John L. Gokongwei, Jr. , serves as President of JG Summit Capital Markets Corp.Mr. Gokongwei served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of JG Summit Holdings, Inc. from 1990 to 2001, which he founded. Mr. Gokongwei served as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at Oriental Petroleum And Minerals Corp. from 1994 to 2002. He founded Universal Robina Corp. in 1954. He served as Chief Executive Officer and President of Digital Telecommunications Phils Inc. for JG Summit Holdings Inc. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Universal Robina Corporation, Robinsons Land Corp., JG Summit since 2001. He was primarily responsible for the overall direction and development of JG Summit Group of Companies which he founded in the mid-fifties. He founded Robinsons Land Corp. in 1980 and has been i ts Chairman Emeritus since January 1, 2002. He has been Chairman Emeritus of Universal Robina Corporation since January 1, 2002. He has been Chairman Emeritus at JG Summit Holdings Inc. , since January 1, 2002. Mr. Gokongwei is the Founder of Universal Robina (Cayman), Ltd and has been its Chairman Emeritus since January 2002.He serves as the Chairman of Gokongwei Brothers Foundation, Inc. and Great Pacific Life Assurance Corporation. He served as Chairman of JG Summit and Universal Robina Corporation. He served as Chairman of the Board of Robinsons Land until December 31, 2001. He has been Deputy Chairman of United Industrial Corporation Limited since 1999 and Non-Executive Deputy Chairman of Singapore Land Ltd. since 1999. He has been a Director of Manila Midtown Hotels and Land Corporation since 1973, Gokongwei Brothers Foundation, Inc. , since 1992, Cebu Air, Inc., since December 1995, Litton Mills, Inc. , since 1978, Robinsons Land Corp. , since 1980, Southern Negros Developmen t Corporation since 1982, Universal Robina Sugar Milling Corporation since 1987, Robinsons Inc. , since 1987, United Industrial Corporation Limited since July 27, 1999 and Singapore Land Ltd. since 1999.Mr. Gokongwei has been a Director of A. Soriano Corp. since May 21, 1980 and JG Summit Petrochemical Corporation since 1994. He serves as a Director of Universal Robina Corp. , Universal Robina (Cayman), Ltd. , JG Summit Holdings Inc., JG Summit Capital Markets Corporation of JG Summit Holdings Inc. , PGPI, Oriental Petroleum and Minerals Corp. , First Private Power Corporation and Bauang Private Power Corporation. He served as a Director of Digital Telecommunications Phils Inc. , from May 1993 to October 26, 2011. He served as a Director of Philex Mining Corp. from 1993 to September 2008. Mr. Gokongwei received an Master's degree in Business Administration from the De La Salle University in the Philippines in 1977 and attended the Advanced Management Program at Harvard University, B oston, Massachusetts, USA from 1972 to 1973.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Pollution in Vellore
CASE STUDY ON POLLUTION IN VELLORE: SOURCES AND MEASURES TO CHECK IT. SOURCES AND METHODS TO REDUCE POLLUTION IN VELLORE Shraddha Sahu and Akshay Ahuja B. tech- Electronics and communication Engg. , SENSE, VIT UNIVERSITY, Vellore, Tamil Nadu – 632014 Email id- shraddha. [email protected] ac. in ABSTRACT: Vellore, also known as ‘fort city’ and a historical destination in southernmost India , is one of the fastest growing cities. This city is a hub for leather industries, chemical industries as well as automobile and mechanical industries.It ranks 8 in the most polluted cities on the survey conducted by The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in conjunction with IIT-Delhi. The observation of pollution in this city was conducted with an aim to study the sources of pollution in the city and measures to control it. The observation of pollution was done by roaming around in the city between chittoor bus stand to new bus stand. The rapid industrial growth is respon sible for the pollution. KEYWORDS: Historical destination, conjuction, pollution. INTRODUCTION: Since the industrial revolution the world has witnessed the rapid expansion of its cities.For years humans have been flocking to these urban centres in search of jobs, commodities, entertainment and other phenomenathat can commonly be found in cities. [1] Pollution of Environment or environmental pollution means making the environment foul. Our environment means the surrounding of our house where we live, the surrounding of our village where we live or the surrounding of our town or city where we live. If our surrounding gets polluted we suffer from many kinds of disease and sickness. If our surrounding gets highly polluted, our life gets endangered. [2] Modern evelopment processes, especially industrialization, have come in for a great deal of criticism for their utter disregard for the environment. Trash and garbage is a common sight in urban and rural areas of India. It is a major sour ce of pollution. [3] Street corners are piled with trash. Public places and sidewalks are despoiled with filth and litter, rivers and canals act as garbage dumps. [4] Air pollution is a serious issue with the major sources being fuelwood and biomass burning, fuel adulteration, vehicle emission and traffic congestion. [5] In urban areas, vehicle emissions are another source of air pollution.Vehicle emissions are worsened by fuel adulteration and poor fuel combustion effi  ciencies from traffic congestion and low density of quality, high speed road network per 1000 people.. [6] Rapid urbanization during the recent decades has given rise to a number of environmental problems such as water supply, waste water generation and its collection, treatment and disposal. Vellore city which came up on the bank of palar river have not given a proper thought to the problems of wastewater, sewerage etc. In urban areas, the wastewater is let out untreated and causes large scale water po llution. [7] METHODOLOGY:To find out the source of the pollution and think over the measures to control it the region between chittoor bus stand and new bus stand of vellore city was selected as the locale for this study. The observation of the pollution was carried out by roaming around the streets. Photographs were taken out and normal discussion of source of pollution was done with local people. The local people were asked about the difficulties they face due to the pollution and how can we overcome this from their point of view. Use of internet and e-books were taken to study more about this problem and to check it. RESULT:From the above study we came to know that the pollution in vellore city is no more different from other cities. The common sites seen were roadside garbage dumping, unhygienic area around water sources, air pollution due to emission of gases by vehicles, accumulation of solid waste and poor sanitation. This problem is common to almost every city in India. The common traditional known sources of air pollution are power plants, industries, road dust, construction work, garbage burning, vehicle exhaust and domestic fuels. The sources of land pollution are garbage dumping and improper disposal of solid waste.The sources of water pollution are sewage discharge from industries, poor sanitation, disposal of waste in water sources and religious sources. DISCUSSIONS AND FINDINGS: The important landmarks that come between old chittoor bus stand of vellore to new bus stand of vellore are Pillayar koil, thiru nagar, silk mill, gandhinagar, doordarshan, virthumpet and new bridge road over the palar river. Problems related to city: Use of tetrapacks, plastic plates, cups and bags, tin cans and similar throw-away items has increased in the last decade.Lack of proper waste collection, segregation and management systems and poor sanitary conditions are aggravating health problems. The reason for the contamination of the ground water in Vellore is because the tanneries are dumping their effluents into city’s lifelineâ€â€the Palar River. All the tanneries here from Vaniampadi to Ranipet dump their effluents into the river. [8] Problem related to palar river bed: The Palar River bed is dry most of the year because it is a seasonal river. It stirs to life every year during the monsoon. When the river is devoid of water the riverbed is quarried for its 15 feet of sand.Palar is the primary source of drinking water for the residents of Vellore. But those who live in this city made famous by the super speciality hospital, Christian Medical College, say that the clear water of Palar has turned into blood red. A local environment group, Pasumai Thayagam, affirms that the red toxic water has destroyed sources of potable drinking water in various localities of Vellore like Ambur, Vaniampadi and Ranipet. Measures taken by government to check pollution in vellore: Exnora Green Cross, supported by UNICEF, initiated a pilot project on s olid waste management in a ward of Vellore municipality in 2000.ZWM [Zero Waste Management] is a system of managing solid wastes that strives for maximum waste recovery through recycling and reuse, aiming at zero waste generation. †¢ It minimizes pollution of ground water and air by doing away with disposal of wastes at dumpsites and land? lls. †¢ Zero waste management integrates the informal recycling sector (ragpickers and waste collectors) into the solid waste management system providing opportunities for income generation. Possible measures that can be taken: 1. Conversion of waste paper into pepwood: Conversion of waste paper into pulp articles is an old art.We can reduce garbage by recycling the waste paper in a decentralized manner. It will help in prevention of burning of waste paper & ? lthy sights. Women/SHG members/unemployed youths/after receiving thorough training can undertake this activity. 2. Liquid Waste Management through Root Zone Treatment: Under the li quid waste management practices at community level, the waste water from toilets is being treated naturally through â€Å"Root Zone Treatment Method (Natural plant based system)†. The treated water (5500 liter per day for 50 person’s occupancy) is recycled for toilet flushing and landscaping purposes. . Eco Friendly plastic fuel [Conversion of waste plastic into liquid hydrocarbons/ energy]: Prof. Mrs. Alka Umesh Zadgaonkar, Head of Department of Applied Chemistry at the Nagpur based G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, invented an Environment friendly catalyticadditive process for disposal of waste plastic. The invented process involves degradation of waste plastic using `catalytic-additive’ and is different from the generally existing pyrolytic processes. The products obtained in the process are Liquid hydrocarbons, Gas and residual Coke.It is a major breakthrough in the arena of non-conventional sources of energy! 4. Black water management from community toi let: EXNORA International Chennai, through its unit in Tiruchi District, has taken up construction of Decentralized Waste Water Treatment System (DEWATS), which is ideally suited for small colonies, apartments, slum areas etc. Salient features: †¢ Decentralized treatment of black water. †¢ Reuse of treated water for raising trees, vegetables. †¢ Use of biogas for cooking and lighting. †¢ No Electricity or chemical is used for treatment. Very easy for operation and maintenance since it does not have hazardous or complicated machinery. CONCLUSION: Urbanisation brings prosperity but at the same time creates environmental problems like pollution, accumulation of solid waste and poor sanitation. . In this context, solid waste management is an area of challenge and of innovation for urban planners and city corporations. A zero waste management (ZWM) project by NGO Exnora Green Cross, initially piloted with UNICEF, in Tamil Nadu’s Vellore district is an example o f a successful solid waste management programme and its bene? s. REFERENCES: 1. â€Å"The little green data book†. The world bank. 2010. 2. â€Å"Environment assessment, Country data: India†, The world bank. 2011. 3. Radhakanta Swain, Essay. 4. â€Å"Drowning in a sea of garbage†, New York times. April 2010. 5. Atmanand et al. (2009). â€Å"Energy and Sustainable Development-An Indian Perspective†. World Academy of Science. 6. â€Å"Urban air pollution, catching gasoline and diesel adulteration†. World bank 2002. 7. Krishnakumar Asha, 1995. Streams of poison. 8. V. K. Shashikumar, Tehelka magazine, 16 july 2005
Difference Between Monopoly Pricing and Competitive Pricing Essay
Congress is discussing the possibility of removing patent protection for life saving drugs in order to reduce the cost of the Medicare and Medicaid systems. Discuss both the short-run and long-run implications for the economic situation of the drug industry. Include in your answer the impact on prices, new development, etc. of drugs. Include appropriate graphs showing the difference between monopoly pricing and competitive pricing. The drug industry currently takes on both monopolistic and competitive market structures. When a drug company develops a new drug, there are patent laws that allow the company to have a monopoly on selling the drug. In the short-run, the company is able to charge the monopoly price (above marginal cost) and maximize profit by producing the quantity where marginal revenue equals marginal cost. Once the patent runs out, other drug companies have an incentive to enter the market causing it to become more competitive. These new companies produce generic versions of the drug and charge a price below the monopolist’s price. As more and more competitors enter the price is driven down to marginal cost. If congress were to remove patent protection on life-savings drugs, drug company’s profits for life saving drugs would decrease. More companies would be able to begin producing the drugs without waiting for the patent period to end therefore, the original drug maker would not be able to charge the monopoly price for very long because competitors could quickly engineer generic versions. The original producer would no longer be a price maker and instead need to follow profit maximization rules of a competitive market by producing the quantity where marginal revenue equals marginal cost and charge a price equal to marginal marginal revenue. Since the original drug maker will not be able to benefit from monopoly pricing during the patent period, there will be less incentive for them to create lifesaving drugs. A part of the benefit of higher profits during the monopoly period is the ability to recoup some of the research, develop, and testing costs of producing these drugs that the generic makers do not incur. Consumers on the other hand would benefit from competition in the market which prevents a single drug maker from dictating the market price of these newly developed lifesaving drugs.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Evaluation methodology Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Evaluation methodology - Term Paper Example Evaluation methodology The researcher will use the CIPP evaluation model to guide this program evaluation. The acronym CIPP stands for context evaluation, input evaluation, process evaluation, and product evaluation. Developed by D. L. Stufflebeam, the CIPP evaluation design employs a logic model to describe the program’s elements. Since the early 1970s, the logic model has been used in the educational system, and represents a plausible and sensible model about how a program will work under certain environmental conditions to solve identified problems. The logic model is the core of a certain program’s planning, evaluation, program management, and communications. It holds together everything a program was originally designed for, from its goals, vision, resources, activities, and intended outcomes in a way that is logical to its purpose (Hall, Daly, & Madigan, 2010). The study to be designed will follow its evaluation approaches to test and verify the reality of the advisory program of a target school and how it works. It will also help the researcher focus on appropriate process and outcome measures. The CIPP model of program evaluation is the process of delineating, obtaining, providing, and applying descriptive and judgmental information about the merit and worth of some object goals, design, implementation, and outcomes to guide improvement decisions, provide accountability reports, inform institutionalization/dissemination decisions, and improve understanding of the involved phenomena.... The CIPP model of program evaluation is the process of delineating, obtaining, providing, and applying descriptive and judgmental information about the merit and worth of some object goals, design, implementation, and outcomes to guide improvement decisions, provide accountability reports, inform institutionalization/dissemination decisions, and improve understanding of the involved phenomena (Kellaghan & Stufflebeam, 2003). It is a simple procedural model that measures program evaluation. It would reflect the efficiency of performance of a certain program. (Wholey, Hart, & Newcomer, 1987; Hong, Teng, & Baum, 2009; Chien, Lee, & Cheng, 2007). The CIPP goes through four stages in the evaluation of programs. The first stage of context evaluation assesses the needs and problems of the program and how set goals are being met. It identifies what needs to be done for improvement. The second stage of input evaluation assesses the organization’s budget and staffing and sees how effect ive resources are being used. The third stage of process evaluation assesses how plans are being implemented and if the activities being performed produce positive outcomes for the stakeholders. The fourth and last stage of product evaluation assesses the outcomes of the program and checks if initial goals have been fulfilled (Stufflebeam & Shinkfield, 2007). Due to its renowned reputation as an effective model of evaluation, this study has chosen the CIPP to evaluate an educational advisory program (Kellaghan & Stufflebeam, 2003). The results of the evaluation using this model will greatly help decision makers to assess the needs of the program in implementing its various activities. Using the CIPP
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Implementing & managing change (in tables) Assignment
Implementing & managing change (in tables) - Assignment Example National planning exercises are fundamentally important undertakings for any government. Nevertheless, the plans drafted to be used in the realization of national goals and objectives may be variant from one country to another due to a number of reasons. Basic to the explanation is that countries often differ in visions, resource endowment as well as the stage of economic development. Moreover, planning documents may be different in on the time stipulated for the development process or realization of the set aims. In this understanding, this paper therefore, focuses on comparing national development plan documents for three countries; England, Scotland as well as the Wales. The analysis will focus on the aims as well as objectives outlined in either, the primary focus of development, time frame within which the plan is to be actualized as well as likelihood of its success. This paper therefore, presents a discussion in segments which will be under the above sub-headings.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Security policy document Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Security policy document - Term Paper Example The Global Security Inc consist of three major components of security Architecture those components include; process, people and tools that have been integrated to protect the entire assets of Global Distribution Inc company. In terms of process, the company has a well structured and secure distribution channel across all its networks situated in Canada, United States and Mexico. In addition, the company has a well defined work process whereby, the organisation has various departments that have been integrated together for security purposes. Among those departments include; I.T department, finance department, Human resource department to mention just but a few. In terms of people, the organisation has employed more than three thousand and two hundred people in different departments. It has also been reported that the organisation has been experiencing continuous growth. The growth has been attributed to the technological creativity and innovation in the organisation. The number of em ployees has been increasing in order to help the organisation achieve its security goals and objectives (Schlachter, 2005). Â The Global Distribution Inc has a well organized security Architect that consist of the following components; Technology, Accessibility and Control of the border, Identification management, Validation, architectural adjustment, training, guidance before and during disaster occurrence, inclusion and exclusion. In terms of technology, Global Distribution Inc utilizes both computer software and hardware.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Alzheimer's disease Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Alzheimer's disease - Research Paper Example There are many challenges when dealing with the disease. Those who are affected, however, may find comfort in some outreach programs offered to both the patient and his or her family. This paper explores the causes, diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease as well as its devastating effects on the individual who has it and on the people around him or her, usually members of the family, and recommendations on how it can be prevented or at the least, delay its adverse effects. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that progressively destroys memory and thinking, eventually leading to dementia and the inability to do the simplest of tasks. It occurs mostly among older people above the age of sixty years (Singh et al., 2011). It is the most common form of adult-onset dementia which affects over 5 million people in America alone. Thus far, there has been no known cure for this disease, although research on at least delaying the adverse effects of the disease has been very promising (Trends e-Magazine, 2012). The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that currently 35.6 million people currently have Dementia and will increase to 65.7 million by the year 2030 and further increase to 115.4 million in the year 2050 (Wimo & Prince, 2010). Of the 5.4 million people in America living with Alzheimer’s disease, 5% are men and 6% are women over sixty years. Unless the prevalence of Alzheimer’s Disease controlled, as many as 16 million Americans will be afflicted by it by the year 2050. As of 2012, the cost of caring for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias sum up to about $200 billion, which is expected to balloon to $1.1 trillion per year by mid-century (Alzheimer’s Association, 2012). In the state of California, the following estimates of people aged 65 and older have Alzheimer’s Disease
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Topical Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Topical - Research Paper Example Food security involves a situation whereby all human beings have physical and economic access to enough, safe and nutritious food that can meet their dietary needs and food preference for an active and healthy life. Decision makers, policy makers as well as concerned members of the public have widely discussed issues on how much food the world is growing or is able to grow and whether the production of food involves sustainable management of natural resources. In addition, they have also been discussing how food is distributed at the global, regional, national, and household levels. All these concerns have been crucial in achieving concerted efforts and the international commitment of organizations concerned with world food production such as food and agricultural organization (FAO) (Nicholson, 2009, p14). Emerging acknowledgement of other food problems has placed the concerns of the food system in a much broader context. The concerns include human health closely tied to food safety and the growing cases of nutrition related illnesses such as heart diseases; the commercialization and industrialization of food and agriculture; the emergence of advanced technologies with eminent positive and negative economic and environmental impacts; the emergence of transnational organizations in international food markets; rising concentration in food production, processing, and retail and armed conflicts (McMicheal, 1994, p20). There are environmental challenges facing the global food system. These challenges include climate change, the extortion of natural resources, salinity, increased amount of pesticides, GMO concerns, and biodiversity challenged closely linked to monocropping. Each of these challenges does not cross modern borders, hence making the study of the food system itself a valuable and important experience (McMicheal, 1994, p20). The food challenges being experienced in the world now are both diverse and complex.
Managing Uncertainty- How does the dollar affect the diamond industry Essay
Managing Uncertainty- How does the dollar affect the diamond industry in India - Essay Example In 2011, the amount of uncut diamonds was 120 million carats; as compared to the 150 million carats in 2007. This decline is alarming and is an issue of concern that needs to be addressed. The impact of the dollar on the diamond market in India Based on the complicated and complex forms of uncertainties, one can conduct an analysis of the impact that the fluctuation of the dollar has had on the diamond market in the United States. Before the 1990s, the Forex system used to be fixed; however, after the 90s, the Indian government changed the system to a model based on floating rate. The purpose of the fixed rate system was to ensure that rupee fared well against other major world currencies such as Euro, Dollar, as well as GBP. Under the floating rate, the market forces can be regarded as the determinants of supply, as well as demand of the currency. In this case, there is a decline in the value of the currency when demand is less than its supply. When the supply is less than the deman d of the currency, there is an increase in the value of the currency. ... When there are more payments made using dollars as compared to the amount of foreign currency received, what results is a huge supply of the dollar in foreign markets. Consequently, the value of the dollar will fluctuate compared to other world currencies. This has affected the diamond industry in India, which exports some of its diamond products to the United States (Poros 2011, p.65). The other reason why the dollar has witnessed massive fluctuation is because of the huge amounts of U.S dollars in foreign markets such as India. This high amount of the currency has led to its fluctuation, thus affecting the diamond market in India, which uses the US dollar as one of the major currencies while conducting trade. The fluctuation in the value of the dollar also emanates from the huge gap created by the balance of payments deficit. Over time, the U.S dollar has weakened, thus resulting to a huge BOP deficit. The fluctuation in the value of the dollar has also resulted to the reduction in the Foreign Direct Investment in India. This has significantly affected the diamond industry in India since few people wish to invest in the country. The decline in FDI does not attract investors; rather it keeps them away, thus resulting to low investments and little trade in precious commodities such as diamond (Eskeland et al 2003, p.73). The fluctuation of the dollar has also had an impact on traders who either supply the commodity to India, or import it from India after processing. The diamond market in India has also been affected by the diamond industry in China. Whereas India uses the dollar as a primary currency, China does not highly depend on the dollar. As a result, the Indian
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Benefits of Privatization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Benefits of Privatization - Essay Example Privatization has been experienced by various organizations throughout the world over a long period of time. Various organizations that were owned and controlled by the government sector have been privatized due to the several benefits associated with privatization. One of the main reason due to which government’s tend to choose to privatize a previously state owned business is the failure of the government to operate the business in a an effective and efficient manner. This is mainly because government’s end up operating the business for the interest of politicians that are ruling the government and not working in the favor of the public of particular nation. This writing will focus on the various benefits that have experienced by organization due to privatization while debating the other side of the coin. Body Benefits of Privatization There have been various theories that favor privatization and there have been various practical incidences when privatization has resu lted in huge benefits to organizations and even nations. Privatization is pursued by organizations because the public sector has failed to operate in a profitable manner and the management of public organizations has not done their job in a proper manner. Governments themselves favor privatization and this happens as a result of the increased burdens experienced by government because of state ownership of organizations. When organizations are controlled by the government, governments tend to provide goods and services to the public in shape of subsidies, the management of such organizations work for the benefit of the overall population rather than meeting the demands of individual groups due to which organizations fail to meet the demands of the public and the unions in state owned organizations exercised higher amount of power than unions of organizations that are controlled by the private sector. Due to failure of the government sector to address the needs and wants of the indivi dual groups, individuals experienced dissatisfaction. According to surveys conducted by Donahue, in the region of United States organizations have experienced lower operating cost when they were privatized as compared to the period when they were under the control of the government (Holzer 88). Another reason due to which organizations become privatized is that governments do not operate with the main aim of maximizing profits for the organization and the shareholders of the organization. There tends to be ample amount of changes in the governance of organizations due to which these organizations become inefficient. Lastly, the pressure on governments is low as they do not have to worry about the bankruptcy of the organization as these organizations are never allowed to fail and they are financed by the tax money. Another reason due to which organizations are privatized is because this process helps the government in increasing their revenue. When organizations are owned by the publ ic sector, organizations do not pay taxes and become a burden on the tax payers to continue operating as they even do not work to attain profits. When organizations are privatized, they are obliged by the regulations to pay taxes on the profits they make and the profits they earn are used to fund the operations of the organization. Due to increase in the amount of taxes obtained through private enterprises, government is able to decrease its budget deficit as they do not need to obtain loan for operating the nation and they operate the nations with the revenue earned
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Foundations of Conflict Resolution MODULE 3 CASE ASSIGNMENT Essay
Foundations of Conflict Resolution MODULE 3 CASE ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example The cooperation showed by the parties was an over ridding principle which allowed the two parties to continue on with the discussion. In the case there is a strong possibility of a Pareto – Optimal settlement. The case meets a number of the conditions like: â€Å"Despite conflicting interests, the parties recognize that they also share a problem of some urgency which, if not promptly resolved, may have adverse consequences for them all. Despite differences of perspective, the parties communicate easily with one another. No psychological problems or hidden motivations stunt or disturb the flow of communication. The parties and their attorneys are genuinely interested in possibilities of settlement without the distractions of posturing or jockeying for strategic advantage. Neither party is able or "willing to exercise overwhelming power or influence in the negotiations to force a decision in his or her favor." Each party understands the others arguments and interests, and neith er party is willing to risk the possibility of a judgment adverse to it in a court of law. Objectively based criteria can be identified on which to build a settlement. The dialogue of negotiation discovers win/ win possibilities via "expansion of the resource to be traded." The parties may have an actual or potential relationship that each perceives as worth maintaining or cultivating. Both parties are willing to coordinate their actions in order to implement win/win solutions†(Selig, 2002). Practical points that can derived from this case is that if the disputants have a strong understanding and ability to communicate and resolve the issue among themselves, it can prove to be very beneficial for all the parties and can create a win – win situation for all. Also if all the aspects of the case are considered, it is seen that the cooperative behaviour along with the need for and willingness to genuinely have a need for settlement.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Effects of Technology on Social Groups Essay Example for Free
Effects of Technology on Social Groups Essay The emergence of technology has brought about different social effects. Some have lost while others have gained from the technology. A great part of technology involves working with machines and this has resulted into less human labor and most of the people have been rendered jobless by the machines. This is a negative effect on the social group that was working together since some have to be laid off to give way for the machines. Some people have become wealthier while others have become poor and this has created a gap between the two groups. This has changed the expectations of many people in the social environment (Langdon, 1986). For those who have studied how to work with the machines they are enjoying and getting closer to their social groups. People can easy work from home and this has made working easier. Social groups can work together on the internet and they can even share a network. Most of the technology lies in the computer and through the computer; people can easily talk with all their friends in the social websites. People also find spouses and lost friends on the internet and this is a merit of technology since people keep in touch even when they are far from each other (English-Lueck 1998). In social groups like families, technology has led to breakups of close family ties sine the family members can communicate by sending an email and chatting. They feel that they are close to their relatives even when they are in distant places hence they do not bother to travel home. This has made most of the parents to lose control over their children. This is a way in which technology has created freedom for the young generation (Ruth. 1989). References 1. Ruth Schwartz Cohen, (1989), More work for mother; The Ironies of Household Technology from the open hearth to the Microwave, London, Free Association Books 2. Langdon Winner, (1986), The Whale and the Reactor; A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology, Chicago, University of Chicago press 3. J. A. English-Lueck, (1998), Technology and Social Change; The effects of family and community retrieved October 31, 2008 from website; http://www. sjsu. edu/depts/anthropology/svcp/SVCPcosa. html
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Involvement Of Government In Community Sports Tourism Essay
The Involvement Of Government In Community Sports Tourism Essay Introduction: In this modern society, the development of sports has become one of the most significance aim for nations, especially for developing the professional sports and promoting participation of the mass sport. Governments establish the policies for promoting the development of sports in communities is good for the people health benefits and economic development. Therefore, the intervention of government into the community sports plays a critical role for the success of community sports. Background: Until late 1950s or early 1960s, numbers of countries have the purpose of government intervention in sport is to specific problems such as poor standards of health in urban areas (Houlihan, 1997). Nowadays, the purposes of the government intervention in sports have broadened, which is not just for providing people physical or psychological need, but also for the business purpose. Governments establish the public sport facilities in communities and urban in order to give more opportunities to participate in sports and develop the atmosphere of sports, in addition, the image of communities or urban will be improved apparently like small city Wimbledon as famous as tennis holding , and the international winter competitions in Innsbruck. In terms of economy, it can provide a lot of profits for nation, such as big events Olympic Games and World Cup, in addition to them, community sports can be a potential way to stimulate the development of economy as well, particular in the sport subcult ure, attract more people who come from foreign countries. Arguments for the reasons of government involvement: Having a famous community sport events, which enhance other industries development and such as tourism, hospitality, etc. In addition, the volunteer works play a critical role in the community sports competition, because they can help the operation of organization sports successfully. The development of elite sports can be connected to the community sports because it can cultivate ergastic talents from the community sport , which is good for the development of elite sports. Although communities sports have a promising prospect through the ways of government involvement, the negative aspects should not be ignored such as market fail, negative externalities and Tragedy of the Commons. In the social problems, the rates of crime might be increased. Hence, all of the negative aspects in the development of community sports that the governments have to overcome it. Benefits effects: Social benefits from community sports: People can get benefits from Participating in the community sports, which are the physical activity improving and health care reduction. In Australia, according to the data shows that people doing sports in communities can get health costs reduce $1.49 billion per year; and productivity gains by making the workforce healthier through increased physical activity could be as much as 1% of GDP (or $12 billion) per year. (Frontier Economics report, 2010). It can be seen that doing sports in communities that it is not only can get physical health, but also increasing the GDP. On the other hand, people can socialize with others during the competitions of community sports, in the meanwhile, the voluntary works can be enhanced by the opportunities of sports competition in the communities, which can develop the elite sports significantly. In Australia, government inputs the volunteers as value as almost $4 billion (Frontier Economics report, 2010). This is a worthwhile intervention by the Aus tralian government, because they can enhance the development of the elite sports and also reduce government spending. Therefore, governments play an important role to encourage people to engage in community sports, and increase the volunteer works. Positive externalities With the involvement of governments in community sport events, community sports have been strengthen, the holding of sport events can get benefits for host community, because the community sport is not just for the purposes of recreation and physical health, it has become common tool for local and regional economic development (Brien, 2007). There are several industries could be enhanced such as sport tourism industry, restaurants, hotels, nightspots and transportation facilities (Peter Tarlow, 2010). Sport tourism is most important industry, in Australia sport tourism might represent about 5% of the overall tourism market, equating to tourism expenditure of about $3 billion per annum (Commonwealth of Australia, 2000). government control the community sports development as the sport subculture is very important, because people to participate in the community sports is more likely to know the subculture of sports, and it is more attractive for foreigners. In Australia, sport occupies a central place within culture and identity, based on a long history of achievement across a wide range of sports (Commonwealth of Australia, 2000). Moreover, establish more infrastructures in community will enhance the development of tourism, because it is very important to retain tourists. In Australia, the Prime Minister, the Hon Kevin Rudd MP announced that 220 million funding for the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program (RLCIP) would be made available to build and modernize community facilities, including town halls, libraries, community centres, sports grounds and environmental infrastructure (Australian government, 2010). . Government involves in the community sport events and infrastructures have more changelings for the governments, because it decides other industries whether it develops rapidly or not. Sport policy in the community sports The development of community sports is not only for improving the regional the levels of regional and nation, also there is more meaningful that the relationship between countries can be improved due to the exchange between culture and sports. For example, in the early 1970s, in order to have a good thawing between East and West, USA sent a table-tennis to China, which is the first step to traditional diplomatic relations (Houlihan, 1991). Table-tennis can be a national identity of China, USA used the way of exchange between sport and culture in order to have sport culture exchange and promote the friendship between these two countries. Therefore, government strength the national identity started from the community sports, because they have basic level, and in order to have advancement for the development of nation identity. In Australian, the most representative sports are rugby, cricket and surfing, etc. government has support these sports increasingly in the communities. In Austra lian community sport policy also focus on children participation, which develops the grass roots sport, and encouraging all students to get healthy and physically active, which means it helps students combat obesity and preventable diseases later in life through the Australian Sport Commissions Active After-school Communities (Australia Sport Commission, 2010). Negative effects Negative externalities Government involve in community sports level has achieved a lot of positive outcomes. However, the negative outcomes in the community sport that governments have to overcome its. Having a good community sport will attract a large numbers of people to participate in, but it leads to environmental pollution raised. The governments have to solve this problem, because it can lose interesting among the spectators and participants. In addition, the hooligans and vandalism in community sport facilities are serious problems which result in public property loss, according to the Coffs Harbor City Council report that they started to strengthen measures to reduce vandalism in community sport facilities, and almost spent to the city more than $100,000 each year (Coffs Harbour City Council report, 2004). Hence, governments play an important role to reduce the vandalisms and hooligans. Naturally, increasing numbers of participants will attend because of the safety guarantee. With the development of community sports, increasing numbers of people participate in community sport because there are a lot of public sport facilities and services exist. As a result, the fitness industry will be threatened potentially, because fitness industry is beyond the budget for people who can get low incomes especially for the students, so have a good community sport facilities will give them more opportunities to do sports, even though the fitness industry has more professional guidance and facilities. Therefore, the government intervention in fitness industry is necessarily, and cultivates more talents for encouraging the development of fitness industry. In Canada, Fitness increased concern among physical educators and health lifestyle and the government supported $5million per annum to cultivate these kinds of talent (Houlihan, 1997). Tragedy of the Commons With the development of society, the use of land has become competitive because more and more companies and factories tend to use larger space to develop themselves, and also the land-ownership play an essential role for industry of real estate. It can be seen that increasing numbers of buildings have built for the business companies or government sectors. Therefore, establish more sport venues and sport infrastructures in public are not very easy, because the land area is limited. If establish in the country areas, it will lead to restrict the development of agriculture. Therefore, the development of community sports will be limited, because there is no much more space to do sports for people. Especially in China, the populations were increased rapidly during the last years, so the people who live in the city, the sport facilities in public is not enough due to the increasing of populations, naturally, the sport fields is not enough as well. Hence, the governments have to interventi on in space of community sport areas, which means give rights to broaden the space in sport areas, and more chances for people engaging in sports. Conclusion: Anyway, the governments involved in community sports for couple of reasons which include social benefits, positive and negative externalities, community sport promotion and Tragedy of the Commons for the community sports. So no matter what reasons are, that the governments intervene to the community sports for three main purposes which are people physical healthy, the development of nation economy and the elite sports. Specifically, the governments involvement is for encouraging and assisting the development of community sports. First of all, People doing community sport is not only reducing the health costs, but also having more opportunities to socialize. Secondly, to develop the volunteer works and community level sports are very important for the elite sports, because community sports is being a basic level, and there are many people who are cultivatable and promising for the elite sports. Volunteer works can be a construction of underpin for the elite sport levels. In terms of children health, governments encourage them to participate in community sports in order to reduce the diseases and obesity for them. In addition, Sport policy is good for promoting the nationals relationship such as sport and culture exchange between USA and China. Moreover, enhancing the development other industries take advantage of the opportunities of holding of the community sport events, like tourism and hospitalit y, etc. However, there are a lot of negative aspects in the community sports such as hooligans and vandalisms, environment pollution and Tragedy of the Commons, all of the negative aspects that governments have to cope with it as quickly as possible.
Traditional Agricultural Technology in Sri Lanka
Traditional Agricultural Technology in Sri Lanka 1. Modern Agricultural sector plays a very important role in contributing to the economy of the country. Agriculture represents 13% of the countrys Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Rice is the main staple food in Sri Lanka. Paddy sector contributes 16.5 % of the GDP of the agriculture sector. Paddy farmers represent considerable percentage of the labor force of the country. Rice is the oldest crop on earth and rice is the main consumer food in Sri Lanka and the main substitute for rice is the wheat flour. Sri Lanka has two major agricultural seasons namely Yala and Maha. About 5.75 lakh hectares were being bought under paddy farming in the Maha season from October to February and another 3.5 lakh hectares under the Yala season from April to August. Sri Lanka is country which Agricultural sector plays a main role in the economy. Paddy is produce in two seasons in a year. Every Government has identified the importance of the Paddy industry and has been a political focus so far. Mahaweli P roject is the one of the most successive project done in the country to increase the land available for the paddy cultivation. However farmers in rural provinces faced many hardships to obtain adequate harvest and revenue from paddy cultivation and vegetable cultivation due to lack of new technology 2. There are three major economic activities which contribute to the Gross National Product (GNP) in a country, Namely Agriculture sector, Industrial sector and Service sector. Beginning of 1950s Sri Lankan economy was mainly based on agricultural sector and by mid 1950, service sector contribution remarkably increases and maintained the highest contribution to the GNP at present. With the change of political and security situation of the country, it is essential to develop agriculture sector to achieve the self sustainability of the country. In 2008 recorded the highest sectoral growth of 7.5 percent (%) over the growth of 3.4 % recorded in 2007. Output of domestic agriculture products were increased in 2008 mainly due the record increasing of paddy production during the year seasons. 3. Sri Lanka Rice Sector alone contributes 30% to the agricultural GDP which accounts for 16.8% of GDP in year 2007.The present Annual value of the rice production is Rs. 49 billion which is at an increasing trend, although the relative contribution of the rice sector to the GDP is diminishing. In 2008 paddy production increased by 24% recorded levels of 2.63 million metric tons of rice. This recorded target was archived through enormous difficulties faced by the farmers in rural provinces. It is essential to implement an effective government policy and an efficient mechanism to the development of the paddy sector in Sri Lankan in each province to increase income of the rural farmers. GENERAL OUTLINE 4. Paddy is widely grown in the all over Sri Lanka and it is a popular food crop among all communities in country. As the labor and other requirements of paddy are high it provides direct employment to a large number of people besides its contribution to indirect employment in input supplies and providing other services associated with the industry. However, there are several constraints that affect the development of paddy crop in Sri Lanka. Among the most important constraints are, high cost of the new technology, low productivity of paddy land, and high disease prevalence in paddy growing areas due to prevailing conductive environment for disease occurrences STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 5. The statement of problem can divided in to two major parts: a. Social Presently at the country most of farmers are using Traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka and it will effect for there personnel income with out using new technology b. Economic Without using new technology for traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka will not enable to increase of production in agriculture. Mal usage of the modern technology caused low productivity in local agriculture SCOPE OF THE STUDY 6 This research attempts to identify the relationship between the traditional agriculture and modern agriculture in Sri Lanka and the number of farmers who had abandoned the cultivating of paddy. The research will focus only on the paddy farmers in Sri Lanka and the benefits of using new technology in traditional agriculture. JUSTIFICATION 7. As it effects to the national income of the country it is reasonable to do a research on this topic. 8. As it effect to the loosing of jobs in agricultural field it is a responsibility of the government to look in to this problem. 9. As the agriculture is the oldest traditional occupation in Sri Lanka it is very much needed to research on this field and its out come. OBJECTIVES General Objectives 10. The general objective, this research is to study increase production by using new technology for traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka Specific Objectives 11. The following objectives are identified. a. To study what is the traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka. b. To study technology used for traditional agriculture and modern agriculture in Sri Lanka. c. To examine traditional paddy farming cultivation of paddy in Sri Lanka and its increase drastic production. c. Agro biodiversity and related traditional systems. d. Recommendations based on the findings. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 12. Use of new technology will enable drastic increase of the production of traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY 1. This study will be based on a survey. The data will be gathered from primary and secondary sources to analyse the situation and the data obtained from Agriculture department and other relevant source Primary Source 2. A literature survey will be carried out by referring various types of articles, books and World Wide Web to gather information on the field of the paddy cultivation and data gathered by agriculture department and other agriculture research centres ORGANIZATION OF THE PAPER 3. Since the main idea of this study in to analyze that there is specific relationship between the diminishing trend of yield and the trend of abundance of paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka, the paper analyses this relationship and its effect to the paddy farming. The first chapter introduces the subject and other details of the research. In the second chapter contains the History Methodology Organization of the paper Data collection method Limitation. In the fifth chapter all gathered data are analysed and the last chapter contains findings, recommendations and conclusion SAMPLING 4. Selected 10 paddy farmers randomly to represent every part of the country who are currently engaged in the paddy cultivation. DATA COLLECTION METHOD 5. The source of data collections is details gathered from the Government Officials those who are engaging in the cultivation. Further, past statistics were collected from the Hector Kobbekaduwa agriculture Research Centre in Colombo, and the Public Library in Colombo LIMITATIONS 6. a. proceeding with a research the following limitations was identified. b. The time available to carry out this research was only 3 months. c. Commonly most of the farmers were not in the position of giving accurate figures regarding their individual farm management. CHAPTER 3 WHAT IS TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURE IN SRI LANKA 1. Rainfall and its variation Sri Lanka is a tropical country, but climate of the country shows variation across the Island due to differences in rainfall, elevation and soil factors. Further, the central hill masses, which act as an orographic barrier and the Indian Ocean, surrounding the Island also influence the climate of Sri Lanka. 2. The rainfall of Sri Lanka shows seasonal fluctuations and is dependent on mostly monsoon, Four precipitation seasons are clear in Sri Lanka, namely southwest monsoon from mid-May to September call Yala season, northeast monsoon from December to February call Maha season and two inter-monsoon periods, the first and second inter-monsoons last from March to mid May and from October to November respectively. Total annual rainfall of the country varies from 750 to 5000 mm two broad climatic regions, namely the dry and wet zones are recognized based on total annual rainfall and distribution of dry months. The rainfall is one of the significant factors for determining agricultural land use as well as use of various genetic resources. The distribution pattern of rainfall throughout the year is further important than the total annual rainfall. The rainfall distribution in the majority areas of Sri Lanka is markedly seasonal. Seasonal distribution of rainfall and distribution of wet and dry months in different climatic zones influence the type of paddy grown by farmers in different seasons. The bi-model pattern of rainfall distribution is characteristic of the wet zone whereas the dry zone exhibits a uni-model rainfall pattern. The rainy season of the wet zone lasts from May to November (7 months) which is much shorter in the dry zone (3-4 months; October to January). In the dry zone, southwest monsoon allows only a small crop (Yala season) whereas the main season (Maha) is effectively the wet season. Cropping patterns, farming practices and genetic resource utilization are markedly different according to this rainfall distribution patterns along with the other factors. 3. Agro ecological zones Agricultural land use and land management necessities at a given location depend on the climatic conditions together with soil properties and conditions. The areas with similar climatic and soil conditions are identified and demarcated as agro ecological regions. Twenty-four agro ecological regions based on rainfall, elevation and soil types are demarcated in Sri Lanka Agro ecological classification is very useful since it provides basic climatic and edaphic differences of the country for various agricultural productions and farming practice. 4. Agro biodiversity and related traditional systems Genetic assets or germplasm are biological resources of animal, plant and microbes that contain the hereditary information required for life and are responsible for their useful property and ability to replicate. Agro biodiversity can be defined as selection and variability of animal plant and microbial organisms on earth that are for main food and agriculture. It is a key subset of genetic resources as it is the basis of food security and an essential feature of farming systems around the world. People have managed genetic resources, selecting crops, harvesting medicinal plants etc. Genetic resources remain the basis for the improvement of agricultural crops, for medicines of about 75% of the world population that relies upon traditional, largely plant-based, treatments for its primary healthcare, and for a myriad of other products such as pharmaceuticals, crop protection products and perfumes. 5. Agriculturally used domestic plants have been basically altered from their wild relatives and they have been reshaped to meet human being needs and wants. Paddy genetic resources and agro biodiversity is the product of thousands of years of evolutionary process. There are two types of selection distinguish crop evolution in Sri Lanka namely natural and artificial. These evolutionary processes continue in order to agriculture systems to remain viable. Paddy evolution has been altered by our enhanced ability to produce, locate and access genetic stuff. Both farmers and scientists have relied on the store of genetic diversity present in paddy plants that has been accumulate by hundreds of generations who have observed, selected, multiplied, store, traded and kept variants of paddy plants. 6. Sri Lanka is well thought out as a valuable repository of crop germplasm and agro biodiversity. These varieties show great adaptability to a large range of climatic and soil conditions and pest and infection problems. They also exhibit difference in grain size and quality some with medicinal property and fragrance and others that are used for cultural and formal procedure reasons and also show differences in maturity period. The existence of genetic and species diversity has special significance for the maintenance and improvement of productivity in agricultural crops in Sri Lanka which is characterized by very varied agro-climaticand diverse growing situation. Such variety provides safekeeping for the farmer against disease, pests, drought and other stresses. The genetic variety also allows farmers to develop the full range of highly various microenvironments in the country, conflicting in characteristics such as soil, water, warmth, elevation, slope and fertility. 7. The occurrence of heterogeneous agro ecological situation with seasonal and inter annual difference, socio-cultural and ethnic differences, application of different traditional paddy farming practices including dry and wet land paddy farming, deliberate and inadvertent selection of variety and a choice of systems of beliefs allow to develop various indigenous and traditional paddy cultivation practices and techniques for selection, maintenance and utilization of planting materials. 8. Furthermore these traditional paddy farmers represent centuries of accumulated experience and skills of peasants who often continuous yields under adverse paddy farming environment using locally available resources. The establishment for such paddy farming is comprised of the traditional landraces. Landraces are crop plant populations that have not been bred as variety but have been modified throughout years of natural and artificial variety to the conditions under which they are paddy cultivated. Maintenance of species and genetic diversity in farmers fields is essential to sustainable agriculture, especially for resource-poor farmers practicing agriculture under low-input conditions in marginal lands. Aboriginal knowledge has been brought down from generation to generation and forms part of the information base for a culture. The indigenous knowledge can be defined as local information that is unique to a given civilization or society. Each society has a variety of type of aware ness systems. Indigenous people have a great knowledge of the ecosystem they live in and ways to guarantee that natural resources are used sustainably. Therefore, indigenous awareness which has been accumulating over hundred years has potential value for sustainable development. It can help other people to learn how to live in the natural world in a sustainable approach as well as to increase agronomic practices for paddy cultivation and utilization of materials. 9. The agricultural landscape of the country consists mainly cultivation of rice (780,000 ha), plantation crops such as tea, rubber, coconut, sugarcane, spices (772,000 ha), vegetables (110,000 ha), other field crops (128,000 ha) and home gardens (98,000 ha). Sri Lankas farming systems, particularly rice, other field crops and home gardening have evolved over thousands of years including a rich array of farming systems and cultivated plants such as grains, vegetables, fruits, spices and livestock. New local cultivars have been developed in the agriculture sector formally and informally. In addition, many farmers have selected local landraces. The long history of cultivation, presence of cultural diversity and wide range of eco-edaphic conditions present in the country have resulted in a wide variety of farming practices in Sri Lanka. The following section describes the traditional farming principles and systems reported in Sri Lanka during the survey. TRADITIONAL AND ORGANIC PADDY FARMING SYSTEMS 10. Lowland paddy farming. The most widely practiced farming system in Sri Lanka is lowland paddy farming. Lowland can be defined as areas, which receive enough water or which can be irrigated. The lowland also called Wel yaya and is mainly cultivated with rice. In lowlands, rice is the dominant crop both in terms of land use and dietary importance, and it has been the backbone of Sri Lankas agriculture over 2500 years. Lowland paddy farming is started with deep ploughing to create a hard pan at the onset of rain or with irrigated water. Harrowing and leveling under submerged conditions follow ploughing. Initiation of agricultural operations is begun at an auspicious time with special ceremony and rituals. Sowing, transplanting, weeding, pest and disease control, water management, manuring (with compost, cow dung and green matter from plant bio mass) and harvesting are other main operations involved in rice farming and each component has special traditional methods and performances. 11. Upland (organic) paddy cultivation. Upland can be defined as land above the water sources, which therefore can be cultivated only under rain fed conditions or by providing lift irrigation. Following ploughing, the land up to two inches using buffalo and traditional plough, seed paddy soaked overnight is sown when rain is expected. The soil is mixed using a fork. This method increases the soil nutrients and water retention / absorption capacity of soil. Sometimes, broadcast field is covered with straw as mulch, which enhances weed control, soil moisture and nutrient retention. When grasses and hedges are grown in the field, they are cut and allowed to dry for incorporating in the field. The field is turned using hoe. Two to three weeks after turning, harrowing is done. Then seed is broadcast during mild rain. Intensity of management practices such as chemical weeding, fertilising, chemical pest and disease control are very low in this system. Water management is entirely dependent on rainfall. Usually, only is Maha season cultivated with paddy. CHAPTER 4 WHAT IS THE MORDEN AGRICULTURAL POSSIBILITIES IN SRI LANKA 1. Utilization of modern technology in agriculture and related industries can be categorized in several ways. In this study it is being categorized according to the type of streams of technology used. The main areas of technology which are being using in Sri Lankan Paddy farming can be identified as follows: ELECTRO-MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS 2. Mechanization of agronomic practices: This includes the crop cultural practices from seed sawing to harvesting In paddy farming the first main step is pre planting land preparation and that is been mechanised with tractors including two wheels and four wheels, ploughs, rotervators, harrows etc. In Sri Lanka this step is highly mechanised specially in commercial paddy farming.Seed sawing or crop establishment is the next main step in paddy farming. There are two main methods called direct seeding and transplanting. Sophisticated machines as well as simple machines are available for the both methods. Still Sri Lankan farming community does not use hi-tech methods for this step The next main step which is been mechanised in paddy farming is harvesting and harvest cleaning. Wide range of machines are using for this process. That includes very sophisticated machines like combine harvesters which harvest, thresh and clean the harvest at once in the paddy field itself 3. Mechanization of post harvesting activities Technology is been using in this step for storing, weighing, threshing, boiling, cleaning and polishing rice. 4. Biological improvements New paddy verities Almost all paddy farmers except very few isolated farmers cultivate improved varieties. The paddy verities been improved for high yield, to minimise lodging, to gain resistively for pest and diseases. This improved the per acre yield in the country over the last three decades 5. New breading technologies New breeding technologies like genetic engineering, germplasm transplants, mutations, selective breeding are extensively using for develop new verities 6. Biological pest and diseases control methods Biological pest and disease control methods are promoting extensively among the farming community to minimize the threat for the environment and as effective and sustainable control method. These include usage of plant extracts as repellents and insecticides, introduction of parasitic insects, introduction of insect pathogens, introduction of sterile technologies etc. 7. Chemical improvements a. Fertilizer This became one of the key inputs of farming and the new improved varieties are highly sensitive for fertilizers. Improvement of fertilizers including chemical components, slow releasing fertilisers like chelates, development of new fertilizer ratios, mixing methods can be considered under this. b. Insecticides Development of new environmental friendly verities like Aparathyroid, new types, new chemicals, new application methods, bio-degradable chemical developments comes under this. c. Herbicides Development of new environmental friendly verities, new types like selective weedicides, new chemicals, new application methods, bio-degradable chemical developments comes under this d. Fungicides Fungal attacks can be effectively controlled by application of fungicides. Development of new environmental friendly verities, new types, new chemicals, new application methods, bio-degradable chemical developments comes under this. There are no effective chemical control methods for bacterial and viral diseases CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYZING Yield Statistics. Year Insecticides Fungicides Chemical Fertilizer 1985 415,638 221,164 32,542 1986 457,549 208,597 18,167 1987 368,498 158,651 15,590 1988 443,321 176,847 14,682 1989 413,378 156,547 30,020 1993 476,839 171,594 22,361 1994 540,838 192,340 32,204 1995 539,903 228,063 31,814 1996 434,967 144,959 26,426 1997 422,805 142,814 27,455 1998 514,241 224,636 49,147 1999 585,579 266,120 61,636 2000 629,275 238,987 74,975 2001 591,142 201,707 95,397 2002 633,964 256,770 104,992 2003 767,484 291,370 160,973 2004 630,014 243,375 156,232 2005 752,075 311,986 166,811 2006 717,539 282,688 166,434 2007 654,251 215,578 180,315 2008 840,024 345,890 237,490 2009 796,301 353,848 298,816 Figure 3.1 Annual local productions of Usage of new improved varieties during the period of 1985-2009 Figure 3.2 cultivation extent (Ha) of old and new varieties during the period of 1979-2009 Figure -3.3 growth in average (kg/Ha) paddy yield Technology statistics: Usage of Tractors etc. Figure 3.4 Annual local productions of Usage of Tractors etc during the period of 1979-2008 Agro chemicals usage over the time Figure 3.5 Agro chemicals usage over the timeduring the period of 2001-2007 CHAPTER 5 FINDING RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION FINDINGS 1. During the survey it was found that the main problem faced by farmers in Sri Lanka was the insufficient average of traditional agricultural yield. Further high cost of technology , lack of high quality seeds, cost of cultivation, Non awareness of technology and low market prices were the another identified problems in this area. Further I found that following strengths and weaknesses while observing the traditional and modern agriculture in Sri Lanka. a. Production possibilities and potentialities are tremendous in the country. b. Increase of local food production is an urgent need. c. It is pre requisites for acceleration of agricultural transformation and economic growth in the country. d. Production directly affects on the increase of farmers income. e. Increase of production will reduce the level of malnutrition. f. Production market is sensitive areas that affect the political and economical background of the country. 2. Weakness observed in the paddy farming System. a. Low production of traditional farming system and modern farming productivity has discouraged the farming system. b. Land and soil degradation are leading factors for the decision of abundance of paddy farming. c. High Cost of Production has discouraged the farmers. e. here is a wide gap between the potential level and farmer yields. f. Inadequate technology transfer at village level farms. CONCLUSION 3. The general tone of the conclusion of this paper identifies that there are many obstacles and problems in paddy cultivation as well as many opportunities and potentialities for improving the high average of yield in modern and traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka. Modern Agricultural sector plays a very important role in contributing to the economy of the country. Agriculture represent 13% of the countrys Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Rice is the main staple food in Sri Lanka. Paddy sector contributes 16.5 % of the GDP of the agriculture sector. Paddy farmers represent considerable percentage of the labor force of the country. Rice is the oldest crop on earth and rice is the main consumer food in Sri Lanka and the main substitute for rice is the wheat flour. Every Government has identified the importance of the Paddy industry in Sri Lanka. Mahaweli Project is the one of the most successive project done in the country to increase the land available for the paddy cultivation. Howeve r farmers in rural provinces faced many hardships to obtain adequate harvest and revenue from paddy cultivation and other crop cultivation due to lack of new technology. 4. Presently at the country most of farmers are using Traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka and it will effect for there personnel income with out using new technology. Also without using new technology for traditional agriculture in Sri Lanka will not enable to increase of production in agriculture. Mal usage of the modern technology caused low productivity in local agriculture 5. Thus hypotheses of this research can be proven. RECOMMENDATION 6. Implementing programme which can be help for the purpose of the training about new agriculture technology with an aim of encouraging the rest of potion of farming population for new method of farming. 7. Introduction a mechanize system through agriculture department and relevant authority for remote farmers to reach new technology writhing short period of time with its proper efficiency. 8. changing of attitudes in remote farmers towards use of new technology a they are in strongly believe that modern technology can harm there traditional system of agriculture and socio-culture values which they have being practicing for long time of period. 9. Arranging possible educational programme to educate many of farmers about positive impact on the harvest where they will not be reaching through traditional method of agriculture. 10. in order to prevent the risk of loosing traditional occupation in the field of agriculture by using new modern mechanization farmer should be encourage to change their box thinking and seek for positive and possible alternative job opportunities regarding and relevant to the field of agriculture as starting of business of chemical, agriculture equipment, machinery repair and ext. 11. Government should involve specially in this problem with the purpose of upgrading the productivity which can strongly correlated to the national economy as follows. a. implementing the infrastructure specially in remote area b. opening buying centre where farmers can obtain stable income through out the year c. government should provide to facilitate technical support relevant to agricultural industry on free or low cost basis BIBILIOGRAPHY 1. Activating All Powers in Sri Lanka Agriculture- G.K. Upawansa and Rukman Wagachchi 2. Handy guide to agriculture by Dr. Thilak T. Ranasinghe 3. Directory of Research Centers in Sri Lanka 4. National Agricultural Information Network 5. A Policy Rule for the Liberalization of Agriculture in Sri Lanka HN Thenuwara 6. Rice production on acid soils of the tropics by EN Ponnamperuma 7. Harti agricultural commodity review 2006 8. Harti agricultural commodity review 2007 9. Harti agricultural commodity review 2008
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The White Hotel :: essays research papers
               The White Hotel Donald Michael Thomas began his writing career as a poet, and his early work was notable for the way it ranged across the heights of the fantasy worlds of science fiction and of sensuality. Thomas was a superb writer, meticulous researcher, and a genius in deceiving the reader. He skillfully wrote The White Hotel, combining prose, poem, and science fiction, to make it a believable, conceivable, and a touching piece of literature. In his novel, Thomas makes realistic and believable references to Sigmund Freud and his psychoanalytic theories. Furthermore, he was able to capture the real Freud so well that many Freudian scholars believed this â€Å"case study†of Frau Anna G. to be a lost work of Sigmund Freud. This leads us to conclude that Thomas did not only possess a great imagination for fiction, but was also well studied in his accounts of Freud and the Holocaust. Composed of a prologue and six sections, The White Hotel utilizes a variety of literary forms. The main characters of this novel are the celebrated psychoanalyst and theorist Sigmund Freud and Lisa Erdman, a twenty-nine-year-old, half-Jewish Viennese opera singer who comes to Freud for treatment of hysteria in 1919. This novel is by far one of the greatest works of English literature, exploring such concepts as, premonition, inhumanity, sexuality, and briefly, the concept of life after death. It is fashioned with many images of love, death, life, and desire, taking the audience on a horrifying and historical depiction of the Holocaust. Thomas’ novel is written using the third and first person narrator, which seems to have more knowledge than the reader or the character. I have to admit that I was distracted and even caught off guard by Thomas’ disorganization of chronological events. For example, the novel begins with presumably the middle of the story, after which the novel continues with the beginning and then ends the novel with a metaphorical new beginning for Lisa Erdman. Furthermore, many parallels and symbols can be seen in each section, which brilliantly connects them into a cohesive story filled with meaning and dire premonitions of an inevitable future.      Throughout this course, we have discussed various novels, from a psychoanalytic point of view, and we have been able to deconstruct many of the characters according to Freud’s psychoanalytic theories. Ironically, in The White Hotel, it is those theories that allow the reader to be misguided, and not realize the important symbolism of Lisa’s symptoms.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Public Hangings :: essays research papers
Capital punishment seemed to have been regenerated from the beginning of mankind, where beheading was considered an honorable method of meeting death, whereas hanging carried with it a definite stigma. The era of public hanging was emotionally satisfying even though the surroundings was emotionally tense. In contrast to private hangings where they were fewer observers, less theatrical from the accuse and hanging was becoming more of an inhuman punishment to inflict on those found guilty of their crime. Both forms of hangings were though to be an effective way of preventing individuals from committing a crime. Capital punishment seemed morally acceptable, to the public and there were individuals who were willing to carry out the execution. From the books; "†¦Hang By the Neck†¦", Hanging in the Balance and The trail of the Dinosaur, gives descriptions of public and private hangings, the responsibilities of the hangman and the general reaction of the public, who were for and againts hangings. In the days of public hangings, gallows or scaffolds were rather crude contraptions. Early contraptions consisted of two post in the ground, with a cross-piece between them from which the victim swung. As the years passed by a second contraption was invented, a single stout post with a timber nailed at a right angle at the top, with supporting boards attached. A third contraption was made which was a platform erected nine or more feet from the ground, in the middle of which was a trap door which swung upon hinges. This latest invention was commonly used towards the end of public hangings. In private hangings the same contraption was used, but the individual were taken down a lot quicker, for their was no need to display the executed to curious observer. Public executions were grim and was a disgusting spectacle to the accuses’ family and close friends, but for most individuals it was a time to rejoice and to celebrate. When a crowd assembled to witn ess a public event, they were out in a holiday mood. Hundreds of people came from long distances to view a hanging, concessionaires had money invested in trinkets and food to be sold at what they called jamborees. Public hanging were often imitated in plays, which were seen as despicable form of entertainment towards the victim and the accuses family. The scenes attending the hangings were for large gatherings from far and near, mostly bent on idle curiosity or for a grand jollification.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Background Essay -- essays papers
Background Information Warfare is defined as, â€Å" the offensive and defensive use of information and information systems to deny, exploit, corrupt, or destroy, an adversary’s information, information-based processes, information systems, and computer-based networks while protecting one’s own. Such actions are designed to achieve advantages over military or business adversaries†(Goldberg). Cyber-Terrorism is defined as, â€Å"the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives in the worldwide network of computer and/or computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange†(Doyle). The two definitions are not formal and are not the exact definitions of either two terms. The reason for this is that there is no exact definition that constitutes information warfare or cybe r-terrorism. From these definitions above, we can conclude that a cyber-terrorist will use information warfare techniques to reach his goal. For example, if the United States understands the system that operates the scud missiles of Iraq, then through Information Warfare (hacking / cracking) they could make the scud missiles useless. This protects the Untied States pilots on attacks of chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction by reducing the chances of the pilots actually being shot down. Information Warfare has been around since the creation of the NSA. The first machine that deciphered code was created by United States scientists and was calls the Fish. However, the greatest advancement in our technology came when the United States stole the Enigma machine fr... ...Terrorism Introduction. <> [2002, October 16]. Deutch, J. (25, June 1996). Foreign Information Warfare Programs and Capabilities. [2002, Sept12]. Ensor, D. Garrett, M. Smith M., & Williams, D. (February 20, 2001). FBI assesses 'grave' damage from latest spy scandal. <> [2002, October 16]. Goldberg, I. (December 2, 2000). Glossary of Information Warfare Terms. <> [2002, October 16]. Johnson, D. (2001). Computer Ethics. Prentice Hall, NJ. (November 2001) Cyber Protests Related to the War on Terrorism : The Current Threat. < > [2002 September 12].
Readiness of Kindergarten Teachers along K-12 Curriculum Essay
One of the major reforms in our country’s educational system is Republic Act 10157, otherwise known as â€Å"The Kindergarten Education Law†or the K to12 (K+12). This Law made the Kindergarten compulsory and mandatory entry to basic education. This Law was initiated by the Aquino administration in order to address the perceived decreasing quality of education in the country, and to meet the international standard regarding the number of years in basic education. This program will require all incoming students to enroll into two more years of basic education. The K+12 System will include the Universal kindergarten, 6 years of elementary, 4 years of junior high school with an additional 2 years for senior high school. The program is implemented and formulated along with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). The current k-12 model that had been implemented in the country is an educational landscape for basic and secondary system patterned after the United States, Canada and some parts of Australia had done it. According to Patricia Velasco’s article, the K- 12 Curriculum envisions â€Å"holistically developed learners with 21st century skills†(DepEd Primer, 2011). This further means that every student would have an understanding of the world around him and a passion for life-long learning while addressing every student’s basic learning needs: â€Å"learning to learn, the acquisition of numeracy, literacy, and scientific and technological knowledge applied to daily life†(p. 6). The main objective of the K to 12 curriculum is to achieve the DepEd’s goal of eradicating illiteracy rate in the country. â€Å"No child is left behind. †(source). Every Filipino has the right to receive quality education in order to become an asset in all dimensions, competent, efficient, effective and productive citizen leading to a decent and comfortable living. The most interesting part concerning the K to 12 program is on its practical assistance for the poor but skillful students. For instance, the student cannot afford to go to college; he is given an option or privilege to be employed not as a professional but on technical job because his skills acquired and developed during his Senior High School can be a guarantee for his qualification for a vocational employment. Moreover, the program aims to uplift the quality of education in the Philippines in order for graduates to be easily employed. Our country is the only country in Asia and among the countries in the world that has a 10 year pre- university program. The program also aims to meet the standards required for professionals who would want to work abroad. The system aims to fully enhance and develop the students in order for them to be well-prepared especially in emotional and cognitive aspects. Through this, graduates will be able to face the pressures of their future workplace. The K-12 aims the students to have a relevance or importance in the social and economic reality of life. The realm of their role as members of the country. Thus, this vision will be complete through an enhanced curriculum. (K-12 Kindergarten Curriculum Guide 2013) DepEd said that this is the right time to do something better for the field of education, having poor quality education. The DepEd released their stand along the reform. In stressing the need for the new system of basic education, President Benigno S. Aquino III said, â€Å"We need to add two years of our basic education. Those who can afford pay up to fourteen years of schooling before university. Thus, their children are getting to the best universities and the best jobs after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school children to give them an even chance at succeeding. †(source) With the K-12 program, different arguments were formulated. Not all are in favor of the K+12 Education program. There are students complaining of the additional years and there are parents who are not in favor of the additional expenses. But it is an undeniable fact that additional years in the education system will really require more budgets not just from the government but from the parents as well. Aside from this, students will need additional classrooms, school supplies and facilities. The program would need more qualified teachers as well. Teachers plays an important role 1 / 3 in the K-12 program because they are the ones who will teach the kindergarten pupils, especially the Pre – school teachers. Markovac & Rogulja, 2009, stated that the, early care main goal is to fulfill the Delors principles: â€Å"Learning to be, learning to do, learning to know and learning to live together and to live with others. †The early childhood is a time of rapid growth in all aspects of children’s development fostered by their natural curiosity and adult support. Therefore, Preschool education is the foundation for a child’s education. The skills and knowledge that a child develops in the preschool years will have a dramatic impact on a child’s success when formal schooling begins as well as life success. Preschool education is important because it can give your child the edge in a competitive world and education climate. The first year of a child’s life is globally acknowledged to be the critical year for lifelong development because the pace of development during these years is extremely rapid (National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006 as cited in the K to 12 Curriculum Guide – Kindergarten). While children who do not receive the fundamentals during their preschool years will be taught the alphabet, counting, shapes and colors when they begin their formal education they will be behind the children who already possess that knowledge and skill set. The Pre – school teachers are supposed to have the courage and knowledge to teach the little ones. They will serve as the guide and the second mother at school. Children’s learning will greatly depend on the teachers strategies. Hence, kindergarten teachers should provide them with an engaging and creative curriculum that is developmentally – appropriate, age – appropriate and socio – cul;turally appropriate (DepEd K to 12 Curriculum guide for Kindergaten, 2012). Many new parents start hearing about K-12 since before their kids are born. However, they are not very clear about what K12 means, and why is necessary for them to start inform themselves about it as it will impact their kids’ future. What Is K12 Education? This term was coined to describe primary and secondary education. This includes kindergarten (K) all the way to the 12 grade. This extremely popular type of education is very common among several countries around the world. â€Å"K to 12†stands for kindergarten plus 12 years of elementary and secondary education. This educational system for basic and secondary education is widely adopted around the world. Early childhood education is intended to support and complement family upbringing and the main goal is to create good opportunities and conditions for each child’s well-being, create a stimulating environment for the child’s comprehensive development and learning while taking into account their age, gender and individual features. The role of early childhood care and education settings in improving children’s development has begun to be viewed with increasing importance. The recognition that centre-based childcare is associated with a host of positive developmental outcomes for children, such as increased cognitive abilities, language development, and emotional and social development (Kagan & Neuman, 1997; National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Early Childcare Research Network [NICHD], 2000, 2002, 2008; NICHD & Duncan, 2003), has led to the introduction of a new policy in Ireland that provides every three-year-old child with access to a free preschool place for one year (Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs [OMCYA], 2009). The importance of preschool learning is that first, parents must remember that preschool education is the foundation for your child’s education. As Adams (2008) stressed that early childhood education is the key to building a strong foundation for a child’s educational success. The skills and knowledge (not to mention aptitude and attitude) that your child develops in the preschool years will have a dramatic impact on your child’s success when formal schooling begins as well as life success, as supported by the House Bill 5367 (2009), aimed to incorporate preschool education to basic education with the DepEd at the frontier of its implementation all over the country. This bill was in consonance with the state’s policy to provide equal opportunities for all children to avail themselves of free and compulsory preschool education that effectively promotes physical, social, intellectual, emotional simulations, let alone values formation to adequately prepare them for formal elementary schooling, second is that by actively promoting and encouraging your child’s preschool learning you will promote his or her self esteem as well. Help your child gain confidence by making learning fun and easy at this age and you will 2 / 3 help make your child an eager lifelong learner and the finally preschool education is important because it can give your child the edge in a competitive world and education climate. While children who do not receive the fundamentals during their preschool years will be taught the alphabet, counting, shapes and colors when they begin their formal education they will be behind the children who already possess that knowledge and skill set. According to Anita Woolfolk Hoy and Megan Tschannen – Moran ,(2002), teachers’ sense of efficacy has been related to students outcomes such as achievement (Ross, 1992), motivation, (Midgley, Feldlaufer, & Eccles, 1998) and students’ own sense of efficacy ( Anderson, Greene, & Loewen, 1998). DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro stated that enhancing the competencies of pre-school teachers will have a great impact on the young learners. â€Å"We should ensure that teachers are ready for the challenge of making our young kids’ first school experience enjoyable and giving them a positive experience that will motivate them to remain in school and complete their education. †This means that pre-school teachers are the implementers of the socially defined curriculum objectives. They help children to adapt to the society and to become its members, to develop interaction between children and different generations, and absorb the main behavioral habits and roles of the community. Also their task is to educate children to become unique subjects and persons as they truly are (Dewey, 1916; Ojakangas, 1998; Siljander, 2002) To become preschool teachers one must have the ability to deal with pupils ages 5. A preschool teacher needs to be proficient in helping children learn how to cooperate, providing fun learning activities suitable for preschoolers, keeping children safe, working as a team member with other teachers and interacting with parents. Preschool teachers need to be eager participants in children’s growth and development, as well as helping students understand how to use their natural curiosity to help make the appropriate developmental leaps in their skills and abilities. They are expected to create an atmosphere where risks can be taken and discoveries made while children remain safe. POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Buddhism vs Jainism
There be peachy differences as well as similarities when sackvass Buddhism and Jainism. The major(ip) difference that stands out to me would the doctrines of these devotions. Mahavira and Buddha split ways over doctrine differences. Mahavira and Buddha were sizable and charismatic in the eyes of society. They twain obtained the amazing skill to convince and submit which atomic number 18 extremely important in start-up religions. Naturally, these two religions often disagreed over better aspects of their prospective beliefs. Buddhism was more defined in its criticizing of Jainism. twain sought to convert others. The leadership of the two seemed to have put huge efforts in support of finding converts. both(prenominal) leaders, Buddha and Mahavira were from royal families. Mahavira was the last and virtually popular of the thirthakaras. These deal worshipped in temples as enlighten beings who live on footing as humans. Buddhism was actually founded by Siddharta Gautama who subsequently became Buddha entering his mothers responsibility side white elephant. Jainism and Buddhism were considered atheistic religions. neither moots a supreme perfection exist.However, Buddhism seems to be more agnostic due to surmise that Buddha refused to publicly denounce or pink-slipped the idea of a supreme God. Both Jainism and Buddhism deliberate that karma is the force that is amenable for suffering on earth. Unlike Buddhism, Jains believe karma is not just a payoff of ones actions. However, karma is a real substance that becomes tie to each jiva, like impurity, performing many another(prenominal) actions while on earth. In Buddhism the eight-fold Path and four Noble Truths are what are needed to minimize the cause of negative karma and strive for their salvation.Both religions believe in liberation. There are great differences regarding who achieves this. Jains believe souls become mixed in the causative phenomena and fall to the right of karma. I f liberated souls are slender and divine, tho if springiness they result in nascence and death. According to Jain doctrine, the soul can free itself from suffering of carnal behavior by leading a pure life as taught the thirrthankaras. Buddhism does not believe eternal souls exist. Therefore liberation is physical and mental perspective.This would be considered an individualistic approach. This indicates this somebody is not eternal neither Devine. paradise is a state in which the souls personality becomes free. Buddhism opposed the pronounce of the Vedic society system that divides people in caste. The Jain did not technically oppose the cast system even everyone was treated equally under the umbrella of Jainism. Buddhas teachings also revealed that humans suffered on earth as a taper result of negative karma, becoming committed and full of humankindly desires.The Buddhism belief is the world is filled with evil and discomfort. Man is bound to the cycle of births and d eaths until righteously committed. Buddhism opposed rituals of Vedic religion and concentrated more on righteous living to achieve liberation. Jainism did not oppose religious rituals. They worshipped the thithankaras in Jain temples. Jain is an austere religion it focuses more on the individuals actions and purity for gaining liberation. Buddhism has gained more notoriety than Jainism worldwide, most likely due to its practices.Besides, a major difference lies in the dominions of both the religions. though both, Buddhism and Jainism, developed and originated individually in India, but difference how they went about teaching and converting. enchantment Buddhism went abroad to other parts of the India, cardinal Asia, far eastern countries, and parts of northmost America and Europe as well. Jainism remained moderate to India and seems to stagnate as it pertains to growth. Buddhism today is culturally diverse.
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