Thursday, December 26, 2019
Practice in Correcting Errors in Parallel Structure
When two or more parts of a sentence are parallel in meaning (such as items in a series or words linked by correlative conjunctions), you should coordinate those parts by making them parallel in form. Otherwise, your readers may be confused by the faulty parallelism. Editing Exercise Rewrite each of the following sentences, correcting any errors in parallelism. Answers will vary, but youll find sample responses below. We must either raise revenues or it will be necessary to reduce expenses.Stoics deny the importance of such things as wealth, good looks, and having a good reputation.In his farewell address to the army, the general praised his soldiers for their unsurpassed courage and gave thanks because of their devotion.The crowd that had gathered outside the court was loud and they were angry.The police have a duty to serve the community, safeguard lives and property, protect the innocent against deception, and they must respect the constitutional rights of all.Sir Humphry Davy, the celebrated English chemist, was an excellent literary critic as well as being a great scientist.The Johnsons were cheerful and knowledgeable traveling companions and behaved generously.The delegates spent the day arguing with one another rather than work together to find common solutions.My sisters promotion means that she will be moving to another state and take the children with her.A company is not only responsibl e to its shareholders but also customers and employees as well.Examples of aerobic exercises are distance running, swimming, cycling, and long walks.Consuming too much of a fat-soluble vitamin can be as harmful as not to consume enough.The gyrocompass not only points to true north at all times, it is unaffected by external magnetic fields.Everything that could make a sound either was removed or taped down.If you hire a contractor to make home improvements, follow these recommendations:Find out if the contractor belongs to a trade association.Obtain estimates in writing.The contractor should provide references.The contractor must be insured.Avoid contractors who ask for cash to dodge paying taxes.The new instructor was both enthusiastic and she was demanding.Annies dress was old, faded, and it had wrinkles.By the time she was two, the child was not only active but also she was well coordinated.It is a truism that to give is more rewarding than getting.A battery powered by aluminum is simple to design, clean to run, and it is inexpensive to produce. Sample Responses We must either raise revenues or reduce expenses.Stoics deny the importance of such things as wealth, good looks, and a good reputation.In his farewell address to the army, the general praised his soldiers for their unsurpassed courage and thanked them for their devotion.The crowd that had gathered outside the court was loud and angry.The police have a duty to serve the community, safeguard lives and property, protect the innocent against deception, and respect the constitutional rights of all.Sir Humphry Davy, the celebrated English chemist, was an excellent literary critic as well as a great scientist.The Johnsons were cheerful, knowledgeable, and generous traveling companions.The delegates spent the day arguing with one another rather than working together to find common solutions.My sisters promotion means that she will be moving to another state and taking the children with her.A company is responsible not only to its shareholders but also to its customers and employees.Examples of aerobic exercises are distance running, swimming, cycling, and walking.Consuming too much of a fat-soluble vitamin can be as harmful as not consuming enough.The gyrocompass not only points to true north at all times but is unaffected by external magnetic fields.Everything that could make a sound was either removed or taped down.If you hire a contractor to make home improvements, follow these recommendations:Find out if the contractor belongs to a trade association.Obtain estimates in writing.Ask for references.Make sure that the contractor is insured.Avoid contractors who ask for cash to dodge paying taxes.The new instructor was both enthusiastic and demanding.Annies dress was old, faded, and wrinkled.By the time she was two, the child was not only active but also well coordinated.It is a truism that to give is more rewarding than to get.A battery powered by aluminum is simple to design, clean to run, and inexpensive to produce.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Social Changes in America Brought About by the Gilded Age...
The Gilded Age was characterized by rapid industrialization, reconstruction, ruthless pursuit of profit, government, corruption, and vulgarity (Cashman 1). After the Civil War, America was beginning to regroup as a nation. There were many other changes developing in the country. Industrialization was taking over the formerly agricultural country. The nation’s government was also in great conflict (Foner 20). Many changes occurred during the Gilded Age. These changes affected farmers, labor, business, and politics. Many southerners saw Reconstruction as an attempt by the north to punish the south, rather than an attempt to rebuild the nation (Foner 29). This period was marked by intense bitterness and anger. Regional and racial pressure†¦show more content†¦Police officers did nothing about this although it was illegal because they have government jobs also (Mandelbaum 148). Boss Tweed is the best example of machine politics. He was in charge of the â€Å"Tweed Ring†in New York City. Machine politics worked wonderful in New York City where the Irish stuck together and used machine politics to their advantage(Mandlebaum 28). Tweed gained control over the police officers allowing him to exercise control over contracts of jobs. The Tweed Ring stole more than two hundred million dollars from the city and state (Mandelbaum 97). In 1872, the New York Times exposed and the lawyer Samuel Tilden exposed Tweed and destroyed his career (Mandelbaum 199). The 1883 Pendleton Act was just what America need to get away from machine politics. The act instituted a merit based system of competitive exams, requiring that civil servants prove their skills in order to be hired to a government office (Cashman 4). The Pendleton Act did not cover all government jobs. The strongest supporters of the Pendleton Act were educated northeasterners (Powers 201). They knew that they could easily pass the competitive exams. Once they were in the government system, they would have protection against being fired meaning many civil servers were almost guaranteed a lifelong career in government (Powers 201). As the Pendleton Act solved old problems, it also introduced new ones. It increased the power of bigShow MoreRelatedThe Gilded Age : An Era Of Extreme Corruption1169 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Civil War, America enters the Gilded Age from 1877 till about the 1890’s. Then the next era would be the Progressive Era beginning from where the Gilded Age left off till around 1920. Though these eras are accepted in the historical community, some historians argue that it is useless to label these two as separate eras in American history. One historian is Rebecca Edwards in her article Politics, Social Movement, and the Periodization of U.S. History. She argu es that the Gilded Age and the ProgressiveRead MoreThe Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World1417 Words  | 6 Pagesby Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi†. (Edwards 90.) It is important to note that gift was not from the French government. It was a gesture of friendship from its citizens and I feel symbolized the stature, in France’s eyes, that America had achieved in the world during the Gilded Age. The Harper’s article discusses the dedication on October 28, 1886 of the statue of â€Å"Liberty Enlightening the World†. The article uses the dedication to reflect on the relationship between the countries of France and the UnitedRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1456 Words  | 6 Pagesto Darwinist using this to better their profit. By doing that it took away jobs from thousands of Americans. When the gilded age came to play people took control and in these times they used the poor as a way of making a profit. Weather it’s the economy, relig ion or society itself Darwinism ruled the minds of people all through the Gilded Age, and shaped the way businesses and social classes think today. â€Å"The Origin of species†was written in 1859 and gave a new look on theology all together. InRead MoreEdith Wharton: Exposing Aristocratic Society Essay1136 Words  | 5 Pagespersonal experiences have definitely had a huge impact on her writing. Her high social status, the Gilded Age in America, and her love for nature influenced Edith Wharton to write The House of Mirth. Wharton’s noble social background was very influential on her writing. It allowed Wharton to give an insider’s perspective on the wealthy people of New York during this time. 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In 1876, the government was based on the ideas of Laissez-faire which meant that government stayed out of the citizens lives. Society in 1876 was dominated by white men who ran the country while there were no rights for women, blacks, and immigrants. In 1876, Americans lived on farms in rural America. By the 1930s, America was a welfare state with government just starting to control different aspectsRead MoreUrban Growth During the Gilded Age: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Changes1915 Words  | 8 Pagesthe Gilded Age: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Changes One of the most notable times during the late 19th century was the Gilded Age. This is a term often used to describe this time period since from the outside looking in urban life in America seemed perfect, but in reality, many citizens did not like the changes that were occurring. 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Like Mark Twain said, it was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath. Some of the social problems were increased by immigration, which brought in poverty, and increased labor force with dangerous conditions. During this period many business leaders tried to craft strategies to gain more power and success. Two Americans, who where among those trying to make social reform, were Henry Demarest Lloyd and AndrewRead MoreGilded Age Dbq Essay1643 Words  | 7 PagesThe Gilded Age was the time of rapid economic growth for the United States. The period where little corporations turned into a millionaire company. The time of one of the most dynamic, contentious, and volatile periods in American history happened. National wealth increased dramatically but their was a problem for the poor and the farmers of the U.S. People may say that the Gilded Age was the era of corruption, harsh labor and brutal industrial competition, but others think that the Gilded Age is
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Mohandus Karamchand Gandhi Essay Example For Students
Mohandus Karamchand Gandhi Essay Mohandus Karamchand Gandhi was a major figure in Indian history. He was best known for his policy of passive resistance and civil disobedience against unjust laws set by the British government. He inspired other nonviolent movements notably the U.S. civil right movement of the 1950s and 1960s lead by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Encarta 98). Gandhi was highly influential, some say responsible, for Indias gain of independence and the abolishment of untouchability, the lowest rank under the caste system. Gandhi was born to a middle-class Indian family in 1869 and married at the age of thirteen to Kasturbai Makanji. He began to study law at the University of London in 1888 and as he completed his studies and prepared to return home for India in 1891 he had doubts about his future (Sherrow 34). He lacked the knowledge of Indian law as well as the social connections needed for a successful career. He had never set foot inside an Indian courtroom in his life. He attempted to set up a law practice but had little success. Two years later an Indian firm with assets in South Africa held him as a legal advisor at its office in Durban. While in Durban, Gandhi was treated as a member of an inferior race. He was offended and horrified at the denial of rights and liberties to Indian immigrants. He joined the struggle for elementary rights for Indians. He stood in South Africa for 20 years. He was imprisoned many times. Gandhi began to teach a policy of passive resistance to South African authorities after being attacked and beaten by white South Africans. In 1899 the trouble that had been brewing between the British and the Boers escalated into war (Sherrow 47). Gandhi sided with the Boers in what was known as the Boer war but set up a British ambulance service called the Indian Ambulance Corps. According to Gandhis sense of justice, if you wanted the rights of a British citizen you must perform the duties expected of one. He urged other Indians to serve with him. Because of this act, Gandhi receives two war medals. In 1914 the government of the Union of South Africa made important compromises to Gandhis demands, incl uding recognition of Indian marriages and the abolition of the poll tax for them (Encarta 98). Seeing his work in South Africa complete, he returned to India. Gandhi became a leader in the tough struggle for home rule. After World War I Gandhi started his movement of passive resistance to Great Britain. He was again urging Satyagraha (Sanskrit, truth and firmness). In 1919, Parliament passed the Rowlatt Acts, which banned terrorism and disloyal acts or resistance toward the government. Satyagraha spread through India gaining millions of followers. On April 10th 5,000 gathered to protest the Rowlatt Act. Nearly 400 unarmed Indians are massacred and 1,200 were wounded at Amristar, where this demonstration was held, by British soldiers to punish the Indians (Sherrow 67). Gandhi declares that Britain must leave India. Britain failed to make amends and Gandhi launched and organized a campaign of noncooperation. Government bureaus were boycotted and the streets were blocked by squatting Indians refusing to leave even when beaten (Encarta 98). Gandhi was arrested but was soon released. Gandhi realized that Satyagraha would be necessary and that swaraj, or self-rule, must be their goal. Gandhi asked for massive nonviolent noncooperation throughout India. He urged a boycott of British goods, British schools, universities, jobs, liquor, stores and cloth. He carried a portable spinning wheel in hopes of encouraging others to end Indias dependence of British goods (Sherrow 68). He wore simple homemade clothes. Indians saw him as a saint and began to call him Mahatma, Sanskrit for great soul. His power was great and Indians adored him. .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 , .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 .postImageUrl , .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 , .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922:hover , .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922:visited , .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922:active { border:0!important; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922:active , .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922 .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufdba0a2313007dd4598ca289271fd922:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Law in political science EssayIn 1930 Gandhi proclaimed a new campaign of civil disobedience. It was necessary for the Indian population to refuse to pay the British taxes especially the tax on salt. On March 12, 1930 Gandhi set out at dawn with seventy-nine followers to lead a march to the Indian coast to evaporate the seawater to make salt. This historic march was known as the Salt March. For twenty-four days Gandhi lead the group on the 241-mile march to the sea. People cheered along the way and the group grew. By the time they reached the Dandi on April 5th several thousand people joined them (Sherrow 81). Defying British law the marchers picked up the salt encrusted s and. Many arrests were wade as salt marches took place around the country. About 60,000 people were arrested many people were beaten and injured by police. Less than two weeks later Gandhi was once again arrested but released stopping the campaign after the British made compromises to his demands. In 1932, Gandhi started a new crusade. Once again he was arrested for civil disobedience. While in jail, Gandhi fasted on behalf of the Untouchables. These fasts were effective because great chaos would have broken out if he had died. He was sixty-three now and his body was weak from years of fasting and years of hard work. Friends came to prison and begged him to stop. His wife, Kasturbai, pleaded with him but Gandhi would not end the fast. Doctors warned him that he was near his death. The British government came to an agreement that allowed the Untouchables to be represented in the Assembly. There was an effort to give Untouchables more rights. Due to these changes, Gandhi finally broke his fast on the sixth day. By 1945 it finally seemed possible that Great Britain would give India her independence under the condition that the two nationalist groups, the Muslim League and the Congress Party, resolve their differences. The two groups were unable to live together peacefully. Gandhi stood strongly against the partition of India into Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India but saw that it was essential in order for Great Britain to grant India her independence. He finally agreed to the separation with hopes that peace would be achieved. India and Pakistan became two different states and Great Britain granted India its independence in1947. Riots followed the partition of India and Gandhi fasted until the riots stopped. This fast was successful and brought about peace. Twelve days after this fast, while on the way to a prayer meeting, Gandhi was killed by an assassins bullet. He was cremated according to Hindu tradition the next day in before millions. All countries sent condolences to India and Gandhi be came a historical part of Indias past. Mohandus Karamchand Gandhi was a huge part of Indias past. He contributed many great things to the world such as passive resistance and civil disobedience against unjust laws. He was an enormous figure in the campaign for home rule the attack upon the caste system and the gain of Indias independence. He was an Indian nationalist leader who established his countrys freedom through a nonviolent revolution. He was the Mahatma.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Trial Of Galileo Essays - Copernican Revolution,
The Trial Of Galileo The Trial of Galileo Copernicus's De Revolutionibus of 1543 was dedicated to the Pope; yet ninety years later (1633) Galileo was tried by the inquisition for espousing Copernican views. How did this come about? Prior to the publication of De Revolutionibus, astronomical theories proposed that the earth was the centre of the universe and all the planets revolved around the earth. This was a view that was supported by both Aristotle and Ptolemy although Ptolemy's work was based upon observations and scientific methods as opposed to Aristotle who was in effect theorising based upon religious belief. I shall outline the essential content of the De Revolutionibus and explain why it took so long for the church to condemn his book and then try Galileo for heresy as a result of his supporting Copernican ideas. Copernicus was studying and writing during the Renaissance and arguably the Scientific Revolution. The Renaissance was a time of rebirth of old ideas and a new way of looking at things not just in the areas of science but throughout literature, arts and many other areas. It was a time when new ideas did not seem to provide solutions to all the questions that were being asked.( ) Copernicus proposed a new system of planetary motion that had the sun at the centre of the universe rather than the earth. However contrary to popular belief, this was not a new and revolutionary idea. The ancients had proposed such a solution, most notably from Aristarchus who argued that it was more plausible for the sun to be at the centre rather than the earth. However Copernicus makes no mention of Aristarchus in De Revolutionibus. Not long before Copernicus began writing, Cusa suggested this again, and it is argued that this may be where Copernicus got early inspiration from, although this is not proven . ( ) It was in the rest of his writing that Copernicus suggested ideas that were considered to be revolutionary. According to the Copernican system not only was the Earth revolving around the sun; it was revolving on its own axis. This was later to replace the idea that it was the stars that were revolving. Copernicus proposed that the earth revolved on its own axis once every day and orbited the sun throughout the period of a year. Copernicus hesitated in the publishing of the book as he was afraid that it may be heretical, even though the book when it was eventually published in 1543 was dedicated to Pope Paul the 3rd. At the time of his writing, Aristotelian physics were popular, and it was a difficult task to convince people that the heavens were not perfect, but were the same as the earth and that the earth was constantly moving. ( ) Many historians have argued that Copernicus initiated an astronomical revolution, which led to a whole new approach to looking at the heavens. This revolution was taken up by Galileo towards the end of the sixteenth century. Galileo believed in the Copernican theory that the Sun was the centre of the universe. It was this firm belief that eventually led to his trial for heresy.( ) The main question is what happened in the years between the publication of De Revolutionibus and the publication of firstly Sidereus Nuncius (1610) and the Dialago [Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems] (1632) I am firstly going to discuss some of Galileo's main astronomical discoveries and then highlight the changes in the seventeenth century that led to the trial of Galileo for heresy. Galileo admitted to Kepler as early as 1604 that he was a supporter of Copernicans, but at this time his field of study was not astronomy. However Galileo remained silent about this belief for a number of years, probably heavily influenced by the execution of Giordano Bruno in 1600 for heresy. He was more interested in the study of mechanics and motion, and upon overthrowing the Aristotelian view of motion.( ) Galileo only became interested in the field of Astronomy after hearing of the invention of the telescope although he made one contribution to astronomy in 1604. He observed the phenomenon of the Nova or new star, which of course played an important
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