Friday, May 31, 2019
MacDonalds The Princess and the Goblin Essays -- MacDonald Princess G
MacDonalds The Princess and the GoblinThe Princess and the Goblin is a story about self-realisation and the elaboration of limits. The princess, Irene, is able to come to certain conclusions about herself with the help of her grandmother, who lives in the attic upstairs in the palace. The grandmother guides Irene through her rite of passage into adulthood, and helps to bring the princess and Curdie unneurotic in the end. However, the reader never really knows whether the grandmother even outlasts, and it is this uncertainty that causes the reader to question whether she is a personification of a force within Irene that is crusade her to achieve all that she does. There are many elements of faerie tales that exist within the grandmothers world and Irenes relationship with her grandmother and her nurse, Lootie. Archetypes such as the attic, birds, the moon, and fire exist within her grandmothers world and archetypes such as the underground exist within the world she guides Irene th rough. The grandmother embodies characteristics of the good witch with supernatural powers, who guides Irene on her journey, while Lootie embodies characteristics of a wicked witch, who hinders her right of passage into adulthood.Irenes first encounter with her grandmother is one of ambivalence, which parallels the stage of puberty she is in. This is the stage of her journey when she is not sure how far from the galosh of her mother figure, the nurse, she should wander. Irene does not stay very long with her grandmother, as she is not fully ready to leave childhood. There are elements of Charles Perraults Little Red horseback riding Hood and The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood in Irenes first visit with her grandmother. Her discovery of the grandmother is very... ...hat exist in this story follow the fairy tale tradition. The princess is transformed into a young woman with the aid of a helper. This helper is her grandmother, who gives her the tools to cut the invisible thread, and be led by her own powers. The princess discovers some other world beyond her nursery and the walls of the palace that becomes more and more real every time she lets go of someones hand. BibliographyMacDonald, George. The Princess and the Goblin. London Penguin Books Ltd., 1996Perrault, Charles. Little Red Riding Hood. in Folk & Fairy Tales. Eds. Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek. 2nd edition. Peterborough, Ontario Broadview Press Ltd., 1996. 25-27.Perrault, Charles. The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood. in Folk & Fairy Tales. Eds. Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek. 2nd edition. Peterborough, Ontario Broadview Press Ltd., 1996. 40-48.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Theodore Roosdevelt: 26th President Of The United States (1901-1909) :: essays research papers
Theodore Roosdevelt 26th President of the United States (1901-1909)Theodore Roosevelt was an energetic and dynamic leader who gave the nation asquare deal. During his presidency to a position of internatio nal leadership.Roosevelt belonged to an aristocratic New York family. He attended HarvardUniverity. Theodore Roosevelt fought in the Spanish-Ameri enkindle war with the RoughRiders at the battle of San Juan Hill. He had served as police commissiores ofNew York, assistant secretary of the navy, governor of New York, and vicepresident of the United States. When president McKinley was assassinatedon September 14, 1901, Theodore Roosevelt became, at the time, the youngest (43years) president in hist ory.The president saw himself as a man of the middle who would meditate thestruggle between capital and labor. He said that argumentation must be protectedagainst itself and he tended to favor regulatory commissions that providednonpartisan supervisi on by experts of business practices. As president hesucceeded in getting additional authority over the railroads for the interstatecommerce commission. He was also instrumental in the passage of the meatinspection act and the pure nutriment and drug act. Ro attitude toward the poor andtowards the labor movement was that of an enlightened conservative. Hesupported many labor demands such as shorter hours for women and children,employers liability laws and limitations on the custom of injunctions againstworkers in labor disputes.In reform, Roosevelt wanted gradual change. He moved in the direction of thereformers and ended up as the candidate of the progressive troupe in the BullMoose presidential campaingn in 1912. He had broken with the Repub lican party.In 1907 immigration reached its all-time high 1,285,000 in one year. TheodoreRoosevelt said, "T here(predicate) can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says heis an American, but something else also, isnt a n American at all. We have room but for on language here and that is the English language, for we intend tosee that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of Americannationality we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to theAmerican people."Ro l ed the United States into continous armed interventions in the caribbean.In 1906 an insurrection in Cuba caused the United States to intervene in itsaffairs. The American government withdrew its power when ordr was restored.In the Philippines c ivil government was put into operation, and acommunications cable was laid across the Pacific.Roosevelt intervened in the war betwwen Russia and Japan. He invited theRussian and Japanese governments to send mollification commissioners to America where a
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